Course Description

This course (ME 5763: Computer Aided Design Theory and Practice) covers the fundamentals (both theory and practice) of computer-aided design with emphasis on geometric modeling and the underlying mathematical representations of curves, surfaces and solids as well as graphic representations. The lecture topics include introduction to digital design and manufacturing, representation of curves, representation of surfaces, representation of solids, CAD/CAM data exchange, and computer graphics.

In the lab session, the commercial CAD/CAM packages including NX12 and SolidWorks will be used to provide students with hands-on CAD/CAM experiences through exercises on features creation, sketching, drafting, solid modeling, freeform modeling, assembly modeling, and finite element analysis.

Lab Instructor

Wenjin Tao

311 Engineering Research Laboratory, Missouri University of S&T

Office Hours: M & W 3:00PM-4:00PM

Lab Session Weekly Schedule

Note: This schedule is flexible and may be modified during the semester as needed.

Week Lab Self Exercise Due Dates
Aug. 20 Step into Computer Aided Design Design considerations; Deconstruction of complicated design
Aug. 27 NX: Introduction, Form Features and Feature Operations [Slides] Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Blend, Boolean Operations, etc.
Sep. 10 NX: Tips for Sketching and Modeling [Slides] Practice for Project 1 Task 1 P1 Task1: Sep. 14
Sep. 17 NX: Assembly Modeling [Slides] Practice for Project 1 Task 2 P1 Task2: Sep. 21
Sep. 24 NX: Surface Modeling [Slides] Practice for Project 2
Oct. 1 NX: Motion Simulation [Slides] Motion Simulation and Practice for Project 2 P2: Oct. 5
Oct. 8 NX: Finite Element Analysis [Tutorial (pdf)] [Video] [impeller.prt] Mesh Generation and Analysis for Structural Applications FINAL PROJ. PROPOSAL: Oct. 12
Oct. 15 SolidWorks [Practice Schedule] Parts Modeling and Practice for Project 3 P3: Oct. 19
Oct. 22 SolidWorks [Practice Schedule] Assembly Modeling and Drawing
Oct. 29 SolidWorks [Practice Schedule] Surface Modeling, Rendering and Practice for Project 4 P4: Nov. 2
Nov. 5 NX: CAM [Tutorial (pdf)] [Die_cavity.prt] [Die_cavity_with_program.prt] CAM Practice and Working on Final Project
Nov. 12 Q&A for final project Working on Final Project
Nov. 26 IAM Lab Tour & Demos Completion of Final Project FINAL PROJ. REPORT: Nov. 30

Project Assignments

Note: Please submit your projects via Canvas.


Problem Sets 15%

Lab Projects 20%

Final Project 20%

Mid-term Exam 20%

Final Exam 25%

NX 12 Tutorial

New tutorial site(new)



NX 12 for Engineering Design

Authors: Ming C. Leu, Wenjin Tao, Amir Ghazanfari, Krishna Kolan

This self-guided tutorial provides a step-by-step approach for users to learn NX 12. It is intended for those with no previous experience with NX. However, users of previous versions of NX may also find this tutorial useful for them to learn the new user interfaces and functions. The user will be guided from starting an NX 12 session to creating models and designs that have various applications. Each chapter has components explained with the help of various dialog boxes and screenshots. These components are later used in the assembly modeling, machining and finite element analysis. The files of components are also available online to download and use.

[Download] NX 12 for Engineering Design

Old Version: NX 10 for Engineering Design

[Download] NX 10 for Engineering Design